Chat Bubble
The ChatBubble
component provides an interactive, floating chat UI for your application. It supports features like toggling visibility, sending messages, displaying messages, and indicating typing status. It is designed with accessibility and customization in mind.
Run the following command
npx shadcn@latest add
'use client'
import { useState } from 'react'
import { ChatBubble, Message } from '@/components/ui/chat-bubble'
import { Headphones } from 'lucide-react'
export default function Test() {
const [messages, setMessages] = useState<Message[]>([
{ id: '1', content: "Hello! How can I assist you today?", isUser: false }
const [isTyping, setIsTyping] = useState(false)
const handleSendMessage = async (message: string) => {
const userMessage: Message = { id:, content: message, isUser: true }
setMessages(prev => [...prev, userMessage])
try {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000))
const response = `You said: "${message}". This is a mock response.`
const botMessage: Message = { id: ( + 1).toString(), content: response, isUser: false }
setMessages(prev => [...prev, botMessage])
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error getting API response:', error)
const errorMessage: Message = { id: ( + 1).toString(), content: "Sorry, I couldn't process your request.", isUser: false }
setMessages(prev => [...prev, errorMessage])
} finally {
return (
<main className="flex h-[100svh] w-full flex-col items-center justify-between p-4 md:p-24">
<h1 className="text-4xl font-bold">Welcome to My App</h1>
<p className="text-xl">This is a sample page with the chat bubble component.</p>
title="Customer Support"
placeholder="Ask a question..."
chatIcon={<Headphones className="h-6 w-6" />}
The ChatBubble
component accepts the following props:
Prop Name | Type | Default | Description |
messages | Message[] | [] | Array of message objects. Each message has id , content , and isUser properties. |
onSendMessage | (message: string) => void | N/A | Callback function invoked when a message is sent. |
isTyping | boolean | false | Indicates whether the bot is typing. |
chatIcon | React.ReactNode | <MessageCircle className="h-6 w-6" /> | Icon displayed for opening the chat. |
title | string | "Chat" | Title displayed at the top of the chat. |
placeholder | string | "Type your message..." | Placeholder text for the input field. |
sendButtonAriaLabel | string | "Send message" | ARIA label for the send button. |
closeButtonAriaLabel | string | "Close chat" | ARIA label for the close button. |
isOpen | boolean | undefined | Controls the open state of the chat (if controlled). |
onToggleOpen | () => void | undefined | Callback function invoked when toggling the chat state (if controlled). |
className | string | "" | Additional class names for the chat card. |
themeColor | string | "bg-primary" | Color theme for the chat. Used in various parts of the component. |